The Product Security Maturity Report

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The Product Security Maturity Report

With a wave of new standards and regulations coming into force like R155, FDA PMA, NIS2, CRA, and ISO/SAE21434, maturing product security continues as a top priority. To ensure reliable data and consistent reporting, we created The Product Security Maturity Model to offer guidance, best practices, and proven methods to keep products secure now and well into the future.

This model helps product security teams understand where to improve, implement best practices to reach the next level, and ease the path to compliance for R155, FDA PMA, NIS2, CRA, ISO 62443, and more.

Get this report to understand how to navigate evolving regulations while leveraging resources effectively.

The Maturity Model Focuses on four pillars:
  • Assets


  • Assurance


  • Compliance-icon


  • Risk


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